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DC Autism Collaborative (DC-AC)

DC Autism Collaborative

Addressing the Gap

The DC Autism Collaborative (DC-AC) is a multidisciplinary, public-private coalition of professionals, community leaders and parents to strategically address barriers to ASD care and advocate for solutions that will increase early and equitable access to high-quality ASD diagnosis, treatment and coordinated care.

DC Autism Collaborative

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects 1 in 54 children in the United States. Children with ASD who receive early intervention have better outcomes. Yet, while ASD can be diagnosed as early as age 1-2 years, most children are not diagnosed until later with significant racial and socioeconomic disparities. Even once a diagnosis has been made, children with ASD often need to see several different medical, psychological and educational specialty service providers, which can be confusing and challenging for families to navigate.

These challenges disproportionately affect low-income children of color. Although a number of organizations serving children with ASD exist in the District of Columbia, there was no city-wide convening group focused on addressing these barriers and improving ASD care.

To address this gap, the DC Autism Collaborative (DC-AC) was launched in the summer of 2020 with startup funding from the Children's Health Board. Take a look at the participating organizations.

Areas of Focus

In September 2020, group members completed a needs assessment and identified priority areas to be addressed through the collaborative. The four subgroups that were created to begin tackling identified priorities and targeting specific goals to be addressed in the next 6-12 months, include:

Developmental Monitoring, Screening and Evaluations

Early Childhood Transition Points

Education, Outreach and Engagement



boy playing in play structure

Supporting Your Child's Development

 Learn what to do while you are waiting for a medical diagnostic evaluation for autism.

boy playing in play structure
happy baby smiling at provider

Autism Resource Guide for Community Providers

View resources that community providers in the D.C. area can use to navigate pediatric ASD concerns in early childhood.

happy baby smiling at provider
Young Girl Smiling with Arms Up

Developmental Monitoring, Screening, and Evaluation: A Guide for Health and Early Education Providers in DC

Take a look at the guide to help healthcare providers and educators in the D.C. area monitor childhood development.

Young Girl Smiling with Arms Up

Contact Information

For questions or to learn more about the DC Autism Collaborative, please email Serene Habayeb.