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Blood and Marrow Transplant Psychosocial Support Program

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Finding out that your child needs a bone marrow1 transplant2 is an emotionally difficult journey for both you and your child. The Psychosocial Support Program in the Division of Blood and Marrow Transplantation (BMT) is committed to taking care of all of your child’s needs – mind, body and spirit – throughout the course of illness and treatment. 

Stem Cell Transplant Timeline

For more information or to schedule an appointment with Blood and Marrow Transplant, please call us at 202-476-5456. For existing patients regarding clinical concerns during the hours of 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, please call 202-476-4267.

Contact Information

For more information or to schedule an appointment with the  BMT Psychosocial Support Program, please call us 202--476-6749.

Our multidisciplinary team, consisting of social workers, child life specialists and psychologists are specially-trained in helping families cope before, during and after the transplant process. This means that a social worker will meet with your child prior to beginning the transplant process to discuss potential stresses and to help prepare for challenges that may lie ahead. Most importantly, we work in collaboration with your child's medical team to provide the best possible care.

Compassionate Care and Support for Families

Here at Children's National Hospital, we understand that your entire family is impacted by your child’s illness and we aim to support every family member. Our social worker works closely with your family, facilitating communication between your family and the care team, providing counseling and emotional support.

Educational assistance during BMT treatment and recovery is also vital to ensure that your child stays on track academically. Our dedicated educational specialists will guide you through the transition, coordinating tutoring while your child is in the hospital and creating a plan for school re-entry.

To help ease the anxiety kids have during long hospital stays, our art and music therapists bring creative activities to the bedside of our patients.

Glossary Terms

1. Bone Marrow: The spongy center of bones that is the “factory” for all blood cells in circulation

2. Transplant: A medical treatment to replace a recipient’s diseased organ or tissues with a healthy organ or tissue from a donor

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