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Complex Salivary and Endocrine Surgery

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The Complex Salivary and Endocrine Surgery Program at Children's National Hospital treats problems that occur when a child cannot control oral and facial muscles. These problems are often an associated complication of neurological or conditions like hypotonia, cerebral palsy, and developmental delays with feeding, swallowing and oral motor issues. The clinic is a specialized service offered through Children's Division of Otolaryngology, which specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of ear, nose, throat, and head, and neck disorders.

Having Surgery: What to Expect

We're here to help you understand the entire process of your child's surgery — from preparation to post-surgical care.

Contact Information

For appointments, please call 1-888-884-BEAR (2327) and for information, call 202-476-2159.

Our Services

The dedicated clinic team evaluate and treat children who are at a developmentally appropriate age for diagnosis and intervention, generally children who are at least four years old.

Common conditions treated in the clinic:

  • Oromotor Dysfunction: This is an inability to control the muscles of the mouth, including the tongue, lips and those involved in swallowing. This condition can interfere with speech and cause excessive drooling.
  • Sialorrhea: This is characterized by excessive drooling or salivation, a common problem in neurologically impaired patients, including children with developmental delays or cerebral palsy. Sialorrhea is associated with physical and psychosocial complications, including chapping, dehydration, odor, and social stigmatization, which can be devastating for patients and their families.

We practice a family-centered approach to care and you are an important member of your child's care team. In addition to a superior clinical program, our team teaches you how to help manage your child's condition and recognize complications. The clinic coordinates with all of the necessary specialists to ensure that each patient receives a personal treatment plan that meets each child's unique needs and promotes healthy development.

The Division of Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) at Children's National

From ear infections to complex surgery, Children's National ear, nose and throat specialists provide kid-friendly care in Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia.

child with watering can

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Read about everything parents need to know about kids' health, straight from our experts at Children's National Hospital.

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