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Cardiology Post-Natal Follow-Up

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infant sleeping

Postnatally, the Children's National Heart Institute's team provides a variety of cardiac services. Children's National Hospital's Prenatal and Translational team and Children's National Heart Institute collaborate to provide ongoing management for babies at the time of delivery and after they are born.

Our Providers

Our pediatric specialists provide personalized care for your child’s physical, mental and emotional health needs.

Contact Information

For appointments, please call 1-888-884-BEAR (2327) and for information, call 202-476-4944.

How We Care for Your Infant’s Cardiac Needs

The team works closely with the family and birth hospital to plan the details of the baby's delivery and care after delivery so that the heart abnormality does not lead to significant illness or compromise at the time of birth. If cardiac surgery is required soon after birth, arrangements can be made for the delivery to occur in a facility where the infant can be stabilized with the help of Children's cardiologists prior to transport to Children's National. In rare cases for which severe compromise is anticipated at the time of birth, the Prenatal Delivery Team can plan for a delivery at Children's National with the support of a collaborative obstetrical team. Once transported to Children's National, patients are cared for in a dedicated way and receive individualized care from a multidisciplinary team.

For non-urgent medical problems that do not require immediate transport to Children’s National or for routine outpatient follow-up visits, the Prenatal Cardiology Team has set up a Postnatal Follow-up Clinic. This clinic is staffed by the Prenatal Team so that any issues that were present during prenatal assessment can be followed. The postnatal clinic assures an easy transition to the many services offered at Children's National Hospital, including the Heart Institute, as well as other subspecialty clinics and services.

A smiling young girl in wheelchair giving a thumbs up

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