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Blood and Marrow Transplant

Clinical Trials

Young girl smiling in hallway

Open Clinical Research Studies at Children’s National

Young girl getting checked by provider

Open Blood and Marrow Transplant Studies

As a participating center in the NIH-funded BMT Clinical Trials Network, our patients have access to prestigious national clinical trials. We also participate in the Center for International BMT Research and the Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplant Consortium, working with international colleagues to improve treatment and quality of life for transplant patients. Read more about BMT clinical trials available at Children's National.

Patient in hospital bed with nurse

Open Cellular Therapy Trials

Children's National is one of the first members of CureWorks, an international collaborative that focuses on expanding immunotherapy trials and patient access around the world, as well as sharing data and collective expertise to advance novel cell therapies. Children’s National works with Seattle Children’s, BC Children’s Hospital and Children's Hospital Los Angeles to achieve better treatments and outcomes for children. Learn more about our open cellular therapy studies.

Baby boy smiling in exam room

Open Phase 1 and 2 Cancer Clinical Trials

We offer your child access to novel cancer clinical trials, some of which are only available at Children’s National. Rest assured that your child receive expert care by our team of doctors, nurses, technicians and support staff.

Baby boy smiling in exam room