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Tania Ahluwalia, M.D., FAAP, associate director of Global Health Programs, Division of Emergency Medicine and Trauma Services at Children's National Hospital, is conducting an educational study in India: “Feasible and effective use of a simulation-based curriculum for postgraduate emergency medicine trainees in India to improve learner awareness, self-efficacy, knowledge and skills.”

In these videos, Dr. Ahluwalia’s team, including emergency medicine fellow Michael Hrdy, M.D., explains how to use simulation to teach trainees. These videos are helpful for our partner programs who are setting up their simulation programs. Please email Dr. Ahluwalia with any questions.

An Introduction to Simulation Modules

<p>Learn about training simulations and the benefits of conducting them, with examples from specific cases.</p>

Performing a Simulation Learning Event

<p>Discover the process of performing a simulation learning event, including important elements that need to occur before, during and after the simulation session.</p>

Using Debriefing Tools in Simulation Exercises

<p>In the vital debriefing after a simulation exercise, learners can critically and thoughtfully reflect on their experience, and instructors guide the learners&rsquo; reflection and self-assessment.</p>